您的位置->2013中国音乐文化传播海外论坛-> 论坛主旨及议题(Purport and Topics for Discussion)

  Purport and Topics for Discussion









  In June of 2012, the world’s first “Music Confucius Institute (MCI)” constructed under the joint cooperation between Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) and Royal Danish Academy of Music (RDAM) was officially established. In line with the spirit of sharing, harmony and development, MCI has successively held a number of grand events including“1st MCI Board Meeting” in Beijing, “1st MCI Music Festival & Opening Event” in Denmark, “Special Concert at the Summer Castle of Danish Royal Family” in France and collaboratively conducted a large number of multiform small music culture activities with the Chinese Embassy in Denmark, Danish cultural institutions, etc. which have aroused general attention and fine repercussions among the mainstream society and press circles of China, Denmark and France and gained unanimous appreciation by the Chinese State Council, the Chinese Embassy in Denmark and the Danish Royal Family. MCI has been advancing constantly towards the goal of building it into the “Chinese Music Culture Centre” in Europe.

  In order to facilitate Chinese music culture’s fusion into the world and MCI’s positive role in the overseas spread of Chinese music culture, MCI Office of CCOM hereby will hold “Share Chinese Music with the World”- 1st High-End International Forum on the Overseas Spread of Chinese Music Culture and Theme Concert. Experts and scholars from home and abroad will conduct in-depth discussions on the topics of mechanisms and modes of the overseas spread of Chinese music culture; comparison and exchange between Chinese and western music cultures; the development and operational experience of Confucius Institute in the music culture circle, etc.

作者:孔子学院办公室   来源:中央音乐学院   最后更新日期:2013-12-06 10:48:07    发布日期:2013-12-05 13:28:00
