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  Introduction to Music Confucius Institute (MCI)   







  Introduction to MCI


  MCI was established collaboratively by CCOM and RDAM upon the authorization by Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban, which is the world’s first Confucius Institute that specializes in “the education and popularization of Chinese music”. Its main goals are to conduct various kinds of teaching, lectures, concerts and cultural activities that are related to traditional and modern Chinese music in Denmark and Europe.


  MCI was established at RDAM, Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban provides overall planning and financial support for it. RDAM and CCOM each assigns a director to MCI, who are responsible for its concrete administration. The MCI Board of Directors is constituted by personnel of the two institutes, who are responsible for making overall plans and important resolutions.


  On June 16 of 2012, during then Chinese President Jintao’s first visit to Denmark, MCI held the unveiling ceremony at the Concert Hall of RDAM, it was attended by Minister of Culture of Denmark Uffe Elbæk, Director of Hanban Xu Lin, Chinese Ambassador to Denmark Li Ruiyu, Secretary of Party Committee of CCOM Guo Shulan and President of RDAM Bertel Krarup, all of whom delivered warm speeches. This historical moment was witnessed by over one hundred people from the diplomatic, music culture and educational circles of the two countries.


  The establishment of MCI is not only a good opportunity for CCOM and RDAM to develop rich music educational resources and increase their international reputations and influences, but also a forceful action of Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban’s transformation of “popularization of Chinese” into “a comprehensive platform for Chinese culture’s external exchange”. Moreover, it will become an important platform for the deepening of China’s music culture exchange with Europe and the world, and a positive driving force for the overseas promotion of Chinese music culture.


作者:孔子学院办公室   来源:中央音乐学院   最后更新日期:2013-12-06 10:48:07    发布日期:2013-12-05 13:35:00
