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  《世界音乐周》(World Music Days)是由中央音乐学院主办,音乐学系承办,每年或两年举办一次的高水平世界音乐文化交流展示和研究的学术活动。自2007年创办以来,目前已逾8届,举办了包括亚洲、非洲、拉丁美洲、欧洲、大洋洲20多个国家的专题音乐交流与研究。



  World Music Days 2017 - International Music Symposium along the “Belt and Road” Countries Youth World Music Education Exchange and Display Activities

  Activity Description


  World Music Days is an academic activity exhibited by the Central Conservatory of Music and presented by Musicology Department featuring high-level world music cultural exchange, presentation and research.  It has been held for 8 sessions since its inception in 2007, including thematic music culture communication and research in over 20 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Oceania.This year's "World Music Days 2017" will be held in conjunction with the China Soong Ching Ling Science & Culture Center For Young People, which has a wide range of social influence, out of the gate of the college. The topic is: World Music Days 2017 - International Music Symposium along the “Belt and Road”countries, Youth World Music Education Exchange and Display Activities. Focus on the adolescent's traditional musical heritage and world music education, and the content of the music education, teaching theory and other relative activities for the countries along“Belt and Road" . The main event will be held from November 25 to 28, 2017. A total of 33 East-West music experts and scholars and artists from Iran, Kazakhstan, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Canada and Germany were invited, as well as our music scholars, artists and teachers and students. A total of 12 lectures, workshops, music seminars and five concerts were held at the Central Conservatory of Music and China Soong Ching Ling Youth Science and Technology Cultural Exchange Center.




  ----"World Music Days 2017" Organizing Committee----

作者:    来源:     最后更新日期:     发布日期:2017-11-25 00:55:00
