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  The Joint Symposium of the ICTM Study Groups on 

  Applied Ethnomusicology (6th) And Music, Education and Social Inclusion (2nd) 

  Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, 7-10 July 2018

  The ICTM study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology will be holding its sixth symposium at the Central Conservatoire of Music in Beijing, China, from 7-10 July 2018. This can be in terms of intent, methodology and/or impact (e.g. on the creation, performance and dissemination of music; community cohesion and wellbeing; infrastructure and legislation; equity and other socio-political issues; formal and informal learning; and/or sustainable practice and the environment).

  1 .( Critical) reflections on approaches to cultural sustainability

  While applied ethnomusicology has a wide range of potential outcomes, one of the most obvious targets is the sustainability of the music that communities value. Sustainability has always been a key issue for music across cultures and eras, but a suite of UNESCO Declarations and Conventions from the beginning of this century has raised awareness of the challenges in a rapidly changing world of unstable power balances and growing inequities. The ICTM has been an active partner in addressing some of these challenges. 15 years after the 2003 Convention, it is worth considering in some detail what are the intended and unintended consequences of these policies on music practices and communities, after being taken up with great passion and considerable investment by a number of governments, including seminar host country China.

  2. Applied ethnomusicology and power structures

  While the focus of applied ethnomusicology is on working with communities, inevitably external powers impact on the music practices we deal with. To what extent is this the focus of applied ethnomusicology? Do we regard power structures and the people behind them with the same level of nuance as the individuals and communities that are directly involved with the music practice? How can we strategize working in this sphere?

  3. Formal and informal learning

  Much of applied ethnomusicology has to do with learning skills or concepts, changing attitudes, and securing musical practices for next generations. How can applied ethnomusicology projects be most useful to both informal and formal transmission processes? How does it negotiate real and perceived tensions between community-based learning and institutions?

  4. The methodologies of applied ethnomusicology

  With some 25 years of explicit academic discourse on the nature and approaches to applied ethnomusicology (AE), we have a substantial body of theory and practice to examine the intent of AE projects; approaches to involving and benefitting musicians and communities; negotiating internal and external power relations; evaluating projects and disseminating results beyond traditional academic outlets. What are the pitfalls and critical success factors in specific settings? Are these transferable? How do we learn from our mistakes? Can we derive transferable models from existing practices?

  The Program Committee

  The Program Committee consists of the Chair of the Study Group Huib Schippers, Deputy Chair Adriana Helbig, Secretary Wei-Ya Lin, Conference host Zhang Boyu, and Yu Hui. MESI Steering Committee: Sara Selleri (Chair),Marie Ozah (Vice-Chair), Elaine Sandoval (Vice-Secretary)

Local Arrangements

  The local arrangements committee consists of Professor Zhang Boyu (Chair),Liu Hongzhu, An Ping, Wang Xinhua, Zhao Hai, Lin Qiaofang and Xie Jiayin and Zhao Jiandi.











  1. 对文化可持续性方法的(批判性)反思


  2. 应用民族音乐学和权力结构

  虽然应用民族音乐学的重点是与社区大众合作,但是外部力量也不可避免地影响我们怎样去参与到音乐实践之中。外部力量在多大程度上是应用民族音乐学的研究重点? 我们是否在直接参与音乐实践的个人、社区大众和权力结构、幕后人士之间采用同样的标准来处理相互之间的关系?我们如何为该领域的工作制定战略?

  3. 正规和非正规学习


  4. 应用民族音乐学的方法论









作者:大会组委会   来源:中央音乐学院   最后更新日期:2018-07-11 11:07:48    发布日期:2018-04-25 10:56:00
