Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

   Rules and regulations

1. The 2024 Xiamen International Piano Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities who are between the ages of 16 and 32. The competitors have to be born after 26th Oct. 1992 and before 25th Oct. 2008.

2. The competition will provide up to $1000 (or equivalent Chinese RMB) travel assistance to competitors accepted to the live rounds in Xiamen whose travels originate outside of Asia, up to $500 (or equivalent Chinese RMB) to competitors whose travels originate within Asia.

3. Competitors will be provided accommodation during their stay in Xiamen either in host families or hotels designated by the competition. The competitors who are eliminated are not required to stay but can stay if they so choose. However, those who choose to stay must participate in the events designed for them by the competition.

4. All music must be performed by memory except the chamber music work.

5. There will be absolutely no communication between contestants and members of the jury during the competition. Violators will be disqualified.

6. Any jury member who has given private lessons to any contestants during the two years prior to the competition can not vote for such contestants (master classes not included) .

7. The jury reserves the right to stop a contestant if his or her performance exceeds the time limit.

8. The order of performance will be decided by the drawing of lots.

9. The competitors are responsible for obtaining the necessary visa to enter China. The competition will assist the competitors with required documentation.

10. All the videos, sound recordings of the 2024 Xiamen International Piano Competition are sole properties of the competition. No additional fees will be paid to individuals for their usage to promote the competition.

11. The jury’s decision is final, and not subject to any appeal.

12. The Organizing committee has the right of final interpretation of the regulations. In case of force majeure such as epidemic, earthquake, unrest, etc., the Organizing Committee has the right to adjust the time or method of the competition without taking any responsibility.


Preliminary selection

A 20-25 minutes program which must include a virtuosic etude.

No more than 30 contestants will be selected to advance to the first round in Xiamen.

First round

A 35-40 minutes recital.

The first round must include a compulsory new Chinese work about 5-7 minutes in length. (The Chinese work will be announced two months before the competition.)

Selections from the preliminary round cannot be repeated.

No more than 12 contestants will be selected to advance to the semi-final round.

Semi-final round in two phases

1. A 60 minutes recital, must include a sonata by the following composers:

Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert, Clementi.

2. A chamber music work selected from the following list:

Johannes Brahms Piano Quintet in F Minor, Op. 34

Antonín Dvořák Piano Quintet No. 2 in A Major, Op. 81, B. 155

César Frank Piano Quintet in F-Minor

No selection from the previous rounds can be repeated.

No more than 6 contestants will be selected to advance to the final round.

Final round

The finalists will select one of the concertos from the list below to perform with the CCOM orchestra.


Concerto in d Minor, K. 466

Concerto in C Major, K. 467

concerto in A Major, K. 488


Concerto No.1 in C major, Op.15

Concerto No.2 in B flat major, Op.19

Concerto No.3 in c minor, Op.37

Concerto No.4 in G major, Op.58

Concerto No.5 in E flat major, Op.73 ‘Emperor’


Concerto No.1 in e minor, Op.11

Concerto No.2 in f minor, Op.21


Concerto in a minor, Op.54


Concerto No.1 in E flat major, S.124


Concerto No.1 in d minor, Op.15


Concerto No.2 in g minor, Op.22

Concerto No.5 in F major, Op.103 ‘Egyptique’


Concerto No.1 in b flat minor, Op.23


Concerto No.2 in c minor, Op.18

Concerto No.3 in d minor, Op.30

Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, Op.43


Concerto in G major


Concerto No.2 in g minor, Op.16

Concerto No.3 in C major, Op.26

Prizes (Before Tax)

1st prize:  USD $50,000.00, a tour within China, plus recording and releasing of a CD on Beijing Global Audio-Visual House.

2nd prize:  USD $30,000.00

3rd Prize:  USD $15,000.00

4th Prize:  USD $5,000.00

5th Prize:  USD $5,000.00

6th Prize:  USD $5,000.00

Audience Prize:  USD $1,000.00

Conditions for Application

The Competition opens to pianists of all nations without discriminations, aged from 16 to 32 years inclusive (born between 26th Oct. 1992 and 25th Oct. 2008).

Required Materials

(in Chinese or English)

1. Applications can only be made online. Application period: now until May 15th, 2024.

2. Applicants must prepare the following data files, and click this link or scan the QR code to apply, upload the data files to the following link.

(Please confirm that all information is correct before submitting, you will not be able to review the content after submitting. If you need to modify the application content, please re-submit the application form, the organizing committee will take only the latest submission.)

(1) A PDF file of a passport or an official document that contains the applicant's name, nationality and date of birth

(2) An image file of a recent glossy color photograph (4 Mb or higher)

(3) brief artistic CV in PDF format (1000 characters at the most)

(4) graduate certificates or a proof of enrollment (scanned version)

(5) A PDF file of letters of recommendation (any format is acceptable) from two eminent musicians, at least one of whom must be specialized in piano. This letter must be written to specifically recommend the applicant to the 2024 Xiamen International Piano Competition.

(6) Program of the competition

(7) A performance video file of the repertoire for Preliminary Selection.

Recording requirements: the applicant should use high-quality recording equipment to ensure the quality of audio and video. The video should be recorded in a single continuous shot. There can be short breaks between pieces, but the recording procedure should not be interrupted, and the applicant is not allowed to be out of the camera range. Moreover, the video must be unedited, and should show the full body of the applicant, otherwise it will be deemed invalid.

Uploading files: Uploading one video file which contains all pieces. Do not upload each piece separately, otherwise it will be deemed invalid. The name of the video: “applicant’s name. mp4” (i.e. William Brown. mp4).

Please upload the video to youtube before the deadline and upload the link in your application form.

Application Period

From now on until May 15th, 2024.

The applicants are requested to submit the above files to the Organizing Committ using the following QR codes before May 15th, 2024 (China Standard Time (CST)), otherwise the application will be deemed invalid.

Results of the Preliminary Selection

1. The applicants passed the preliminary selection shall receive the invitations (via e-mail or Wechat) for participation in the competition sent by the Organizing Committee before June 30th, 2024 (CST), and the results will be available on the official website as well. If the application materials are not clear or incomplete, the application will be deemed invalid. The application materials and the application fee are non-refundable.

2. The Organizing Committee will keep the applicants' materials confidential and has the right to request supplementary materials from the applicants.

Application Fee: 100 USD or 700 RMB

1. by wire transfer or postal transfer,

Account info: 


BNF'S ACCOUNT NO.: 11050161540009000754




2. the applicants are requested to submit the payment voucher for the application fee with the application materials above.

3. Application fee is non-refundable.

※ Payment should be annotated “the applicant’s name” and “Xiamen International Piano Competition”.


Opening Concert: 26th Oct. 2024

Address:              Xiamen Conference Concert Hall

First Round:         27th-30th Oct. 2024

Semi-final Round: 1st-3rd Nov. 2024

Final Round:         4th-5th Nov. 2024

Address:              Xiamen Conference Concert Hall

Award Ceremony: 6th Nov. 2024

Address:              Xiamen Banlam Grand Theater

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